DMP4065S-7 Transistor
DMP4065S-7 is a MOSFET transistor. Transistors are among the parts that are present in most electronic devices. Also, this part is produced with different specifications so that transistors can be used in the best possible way in different devices. MOSFET transistors are among the parts that have a semi-conducting field and are mostly used in power supply or switching devices. The product is made by Diodes company and looks ideal in terms of technical specifications. Also, the part is fairly priced according to its capabilities so that developers can benefit from the positive points of MOSFET transistors with the least possible investment.
The first thing you should know about DMP4065S-7 is the type of polarity and the number of working channels of the piece. The transistor is made of P-Channel polarity and is considered as a single-channel component. For this reason, you should not expect the product to be able to handle its tasks in several parts. Also, in general, three main bases are designed for the transistor, which you don't have a hard time to access. Just place the part on the printed circuits and solder the bases carefully.
The working numbers or parameters obtained at the base of the DMP4065S-7 MOSFET transistor discharge are suitable for the development of relatively light projects and devices. The discharge voltage in the part is about 40 volts and its continuous current reaches 3.4 amperes. Also, the internal resistance in the discharge source part is a small number of 80 milliohms. The power loss of the part is also declared by the company to be 1.4 watts in standard conditions, which will be satisfactory for such a part in this price range.
The product takes about 3.6 nanoseconds to start working, which shows the high speed of the transistor. Also, it will take a total of 36.3 nanoseconds to completely shut down and cut off the energy source. Of course, to reach these figures, the part must work at a temperature of -55 to +150.
DMP4065S-7 Transistor Attributes
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