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Capacitor Short Description

The use of capacitors in electrical boards and their development allowed electrical circuit designers to design boards in small dimensions. The use of advanced capacitors has made our electronics smaller and smaller. Capacitors have two conductive plates and store electrical energy. The conductive plates in this piece are usually made of zinc, aluminum and copper. Various materials are placed between the plates of the capacitor, the most important of which are paper, plastic, ceramic, aluminum oxide and air. By purchasing a capacitor from Bypass Electronic website, you can easily prepare this important part for your boards and no longer need to be confused for long hours in the parts markets.

Types of Capacitor

In this section, we will introduce you to the different types that you may encounter when buying a capacitor:

Electrolytic capacitors

These capacitors are usually made in the form of cylinders. Although this model of capacitors have a small volume, but they have a high capacity. Electrolytic capacitors usually have two bases, positive and negative, and the negative base is marked with a white bar. By purchasing an electrolytic capacitor, you can eliminate low-frequency noise and ripple voltage in your power supply.

Lens or ceramic capacitor

The similarity of this piece with the lens has caused the name of the lens to be chosen for this capacitor. Ceramic capacitors usually operate at high voltages. Lens capacitors do not have a positive or negative base, and one of their drawbacks is that they are highly dependent on ambient temperature and burn quickly if the temperature rises. This model is usually used to eliminate noise and oscillations of the power supply circuit.

Polyester capacitor

Polyester capacitor has plastic in its material as nonconductor. They do not have much dependence on ambient temperature. Purchasing a polyester capacitor allows you to use this piece on boards that work with high heat and do not worry about damaging your board

How to buy a capacitor

Capacitors have many types and applications, and if you want a capacitor with a specific application, you have to look for this piece for hours. By submitting an inquiry on the Yougou site, we will expertly qualify and buy the capacitor you need with no intermediary. When there are no intermediary suppliers in the middle, the price will decrease significantly and after-sale services will be dependable.

Need Capacitor Supplier in China?

Cooperation with China manufacturers has made YouGou Electronics one of the best Capacitor suppliers in China. If you need to buy Capacitor from main manufacturers at the wholesale price, submit the form bellow.

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