Why should You Buy Wi-Fi module?
Wi-Fi module is one of the most used circuits in electronic projects. By purchasing a Wi-Fi module, you can add the ability of connecting to the Wi-Fi network to your project. This module, whose standard is IEEE802/11, is available in the market in two models, 802/11g and 802/11b, and uses the 2.4GHz frequency band to communicate. There are different models of this product in the market, one of the most famous one is the ESP8266 chip, which enables communication for microcontrollers.
Wi-Fi module applications
By purchasing a Wi-Fi module, you can use this part in the following projects:
- Wireless sensor network: In wireless sensor networks, known as WSN, Wi-Fi modules are used to establish wireless communication.
- Intelligent houses: by using Wi-Fi module in smartening of houses, it is possible to send information collected from sensors and different parts.
- Internet of Things: Internet of Things or IOT is one of the new and growing concepts that can be implemented by purchasing a Wi-Fi module and using it.
How to Buy Wi-Fi Module From China
To buy Wi-Fi module from China, you can refer to the section related to this product on this page and choose the products you want, put them in the inquiry basket and submit your basket at the end. If the Wi-Fi module you want is not in the list of products on the website, register your request through the inquiry section. We will supply your needed Wi-Fi module at the best price and after-sales service, and ship your parts to your country.