Electronic devices became smaller and lighter with the advent of transistors in the electronic world. Also, the very diverse applications of transistors have created conditions that cannot be imagined in a world without transistors. Manufacturers produce this versatile piece in a variety of models until transistors are ready to enter electronic devices. Also, some transistors are made in special models such as MOSFET so that they can perform well in devices with fast switching. If you are also developing projects and looking for a suitable transistor, we suggest purchasing the MOSFET transistor model QN3109M6N.
This product is a MOSFET transistor with very fast switching that works with negative channel. For this reason, it can be expected to have a variety of applications. For example, the piece performs well in projects such as image converters, DC to DC power grids and load switches. Also the fabrication quality and piece performance will be guaranteed by international standards such as RoHS.
The manufacturer has listed three main features as the advantages of this MOSFET transistor, but the positive benefits can easily be felt when using this electronic component.
The advantages that show the exact performance of QN3109M6N are:
The above three are not only part of the product advantages, but also the piece offers other advantages in terms of performance and design to the consumer. The design of the transistor well shows the improvement of its dimensions and weight. In general, the piece is a MOSFET transistor with an IC-like appearance 5 * 6 which is placed on the printed circuit board in the form of SMD. The MOSFET transistor QN3109M6N cannot be expected to be installed on training circuits due to this type of design.
In general, the piece has acceptable technical specifications and can work in various projects. The potential difference in the drain to the source of the piece is 30 volts. Instantaneous current and internal resistance will be 154 amps and 1.5 mili ohm, respectively at a standard temperature of 25 C.
The heater should be used to install QN3109M6N transistor and it is placed on the PCB circuits. The transistor can withstand more than 150 C during installation. Power of 56 volts is provided to the consumer in the temperature range of -55 to +150 C.
To buy lmc6482im amplifier with no chain of intermediaries, from the manufacturer company or trusty sources in China or all around the world, add this part and your other required parts to the inquiry basket and submit the inquiry list after you have added and confirmed all of your required parts. We will send you back an invoice with unbeatable prices as soon as possible.
QN3109M6N Transistor Attributes
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