The metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) has a very large input gate resistance and the current inside the channel between the source and drain is controlled by gate voltage. Due to the high input impedanc, if the MOSFETs are not carefully protected, they will be easily damaged by static electricity. MOSFETs are ideal for use as electronic switches or common source amplifiers; because their power consumption is very low. Common applications of MOSFETs are in microprocessors, memory, logical CMOS gates, and so on. LSB65R041GF MOSFET is a MOSFET with the current of 78 amps, voltage of 650 V and the internal resistance of 0.041 ohms. LSB65R041GF MOSFET is used in boards of minor devices and TO-247 package The construction technology of LSB65R041GF MOSFET is made of a very professional connection one. As a result, this device has a very little resistance, which is suitable for applications that require superior power density and outstanding efficiency.
LSB65R041GF MOSFET features:
MOSFET transistor LSB65R041GF Attributes
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