YouGou Electronics


MSP10065V1 Diode

MSP10065V1 Diode

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Diode MSP10065V1




Diode MSP10065V1

When it comes to valuable electronic components in this industry, the name of diodes is definitely mentioned. Undoubtedly, diodes are among the most useful components in electronics, and without them, rectification and conversion of currents will not be possible. That's why diodes are made in different models to better help developers achieve this goal. If you are also looking for a specific diode with ideal performance, order the MSP10065V1 diode from this page.

The product is a Schottky diode capable of working in harsher conditions. That is, it performs better in systems with fast switching and high operating speed. For this reason, developers who are building switching power supplies, power modification systems, electric motor drivers, or HID lighting systems can benefit from this versatile component. Also, features such as the existence of valid standards will make this piece an ideal choice for purchase. Advantages and specifications of MSP10065V1 diode

The first advantages seen in the product are the care capabilities and special features in the design department. For example, the component is designed to be more safe and stable at high voltages. Also, despite this feature, the component does not suffer much damage when the system malfunction suddenly increases the voltage.

The product manufacturer has tried to improve the performance of the part by using special materials. Because the component has a different material from other silicon diodes on the market, it works more accurately and efficiently in the system. Also, despite the special material, the MSP10065V1 diode will work more ideally in various working conditions. It goes without saying that the piece no longer needs a heat sink and does not cause the loss of switching signals.

diode MSP10065V1 Install

The piece's copper bases have the ability to connect to printed circuit boards and board. These bases are also nickel plated to maximize bond strength after soldering. It goes without saying that they have a high temperature tolerance base and do not suffer much damage during soldering.

MSP10065V1 Diode performance

The MSP10065V1 diode has ideal performance characteristics. The component in the return path can withstand a maximum voltage of 650 volts. There is also a current of 30 amps in the path, which will reach 10 amps if the temperature rises. For this reason, in order for the part to show its maximum power, it must have a temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius.

Buy MSP10065V1 Diode Online From China

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MSP10065V1 Diode Attributes

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